
kissing scene #吴磊 #赵今麦 #在暴雪时分 #腾讯视频 #shorts #AmidstaSnowstormofLove #kiss #kissing

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【Synopsis】Former professional snooker genius Lin Yiyang met the popular nine-ball player Yin Guo on a rare snowstorm night. With the help of Yin Guo's cousin, they got to know each other. Lin Yiyang was once a famous snooker genius, in a match he unintentionally offended the judge due to the objection of penalty. He was unsatisfied with the judgment and announced his retirement directly. As a result, he quit the professional snooker. Yin Guo's appearance changed his life, he fell love in with Yin Guo. With Yin Guo’s help, Lin Yiyang returned to the snooker court. Finally, they made great achievements in the career and contributed to the professional billiards. Moreover, they collaborated with coaches and teammates to promote the development of public fitness billiards projects.
【Starring】Wu Lei, Zhao Jinmai, Wang Xingyue, Chen Jingke, Ding Xiaoying

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#在暴雪时分 #AmidstaSnowstormofLove #腾讯视频
腾讯视频, tencent video, wetv

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