Finishing off the Pizza recipes
strumming around the Turkey enclosure
Pruning our massive Agave and removing her pups
And making a traditional brown sauce
HP (Handmade in Portugal) Brown Sauce recipe
. 1/2 pound/250 grams Prunes
4-5 Granny Smith type Apples
1 Large brown onion
13 ounces/375 grams Yellow Sugar
1 1/2 pints/ 900 ml Malt Vinegar or ACV
1/4 cup/ 70 grams salt
1 Teaspoon of Ginger fresh or powered
1/2 teaspoon Allspice (pimento)
1/2 - 1 Teaspoon Cayenne pepper
1/4 teaspoon fresh nutmeg
strumming around the Turkey enclosure
Pruning our massive Agave and removing her pups
And making a traditional brown sauce
HP (Handmade in Portugal) Brown Sauce recipe
. 1/2 pound/250 grams Prunes
4-5 Granny Smith type Apples
1 Large brown onion
13 ounces/375 grams Yellow Sugar
1 1/2 pints/ 900 ml Malt Vinegar or ACV
1/4 cup/ 70 grams salt
1 Teaspoon of Ginger fresh or powered
1/2 teaspoon Allspice (pimento)
1/2 - 1 Teaspoon Cayenne pepper
1/4 teaspoon fresh nutmeg